Phone and VOIP Services

Advanced telecommunication solutions tailored for business efficiency.

About The Service

Phone and VOIP Services

Empowering Business Communications with Advanced Technology

In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective communication is crucial. ACOM’s Phone & VOIP Services are specifically designed to empower your business with cutting-edge communication technology that facilitates clear and constant connectivity with customers, partners, and team members. By integrating Voice Over IP technology into your business operations, ACOM ensures that you benefit from both cost-efficiency and high-quality communication solutions.

Enhancing Customer Interactions

Our Phone & VOIP Services enhance the way businesses interact with their customers. Features like Auto Attendant and Call Waiting with Music improve customer experience by providing professional and efficient call handling. These features ensure that customer calls are managed effectively, reducing wait times and routing calls to the appropriate department or personnel swiftly, which in turn, boosts customer satisfaction and retention.

Streamlining Business Processes

ACOM’s VOIP solutions go beyond traditional voice communication; they are integrated with advanced functionalities like SMS Texting from Computer and Voicemail to Email Setup, which streamline communication processes. These features facilitate quick response times and ensure that no critical communication is missed, regardless of your team’s location. Moreover, the integration of these services into your existing workflows helps to optimize operations and increase productivity.

Ensuring Compliance and Connectivity

As businesses grow and regulations change, maintaining compliance becomes increasingly important. ACOM’s Phone & VOIP Services include features like E911 Compliance, ensuring that your business meets all necessary legal requirements while maintaining the safety of your environment. Additionally, services such as 3- or 4-digit dialing simplify internal communications, making it easier and faster for your staff to connect and collaborate.

Empowering Business Communications with Advanced Technology

In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective communication is crucial. ACOM’s Phone & VOIP Services are specifically designed to empower your business with cutting-edge communication technology that facilitates clear and constant connectivity with customers, partners, and team members. By integrating Voice Over IP technology into your business operations, ACOM ensures that you benefit from both cost-efficiency and high-quality communication solutions.

8 Key Reasons Why E-911 Compliance is Vitally Important

E-911 compliance is a series of laws that were passed regarding multi-line phone systems. In 2020, all new phone systems delivered had to be able to dial 911 directly without dialing any prefix. By 2021, All multi-line phone systems had to provide a dispatchable location for emergency services. Below is a quick breakdown of the laws passed and what you need to know about the requirements for compliance.

Emergency Response Accuracy

E-911 compliance mandates accurate and precise location information for emergency calls. This ensures that emergency responders can quickly locate individuals in need of assistance, reducing response times and potentially saving lives.

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Federal Fines Applicable

Failure to comply with the FCC’s E-911 regulations pertaining to emergency calling systems can result in a one-time fine up to $10,000 plus $500 a day fine until your organization is in compliance.

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Enhanced Communication

E-911 compliance facilitates clear and effective
communication between emergency dispatchers, first responders, and individuals in distress. This communication is essential for gathering vital information and providing appropriate assistance.

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Community Responsibility

Ensuring E-911 compliance demonstrates a commitment to the safety and well-being of employees, customers, and the community at large. It reflects responsible corporate citizenship and contributes to building a safer environment for everyone.

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Legal Requirements

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires
businesses and organizations to comply with E-911 standards. Non-compliance can result in legal consequences, fines, and reputational damage.

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Public Safety

Providing accurate location data ensures that emergency
services can be dispatched to the correct address and location promptly. This is especially critical in situations where every second counts, such as medical emergencies, fires, or criminal incidents.

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Liability Reduction

By complying with E-911 regulations, businesses and organizations mitigate liability risks associated with inadequate emergency response procedures. Demonstrating proactive measures to ensure compliance can also enhance organizational credibility and trust.

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Operational Efficiency

Accurate location data not only supports emergency
response efforts but also enhances operational efficiency within organizations. It allows for better resource allocation, crisis management, and overall emergency preparedness.

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Browse our set of features

Explore our comprehensive solutions designed to enhance and secure your business operations.


Voice Over IP Phones

High-quality digital phone service with exceptional voice clarity and reliability.


VOIP Managed Network Services

Full management of your VOIP system, ensuring seamless operation and integration.


Auto Attendant

Automated call handling that routes callers to the appropriate extension or department.


Call Waiting with Music

Engage callers with music during hold times, improving their waiting experience.


Call Forwarding Services

Redirect calls to another number so important calls are never missed, regardless of your location.


Time Conditioning for Auto Attendant

Customize your auto attendant based on time-specific rules to manage calls effectively.


Voicemail to Email Setup

Convert voicemail messages directly to your email for prompt response.


SMS Texting from Computer

Send and receive texts through your computer, enhancing your business communication tools.


Queues for Business

Manage high call volumes with smart queuing to minimize wait times and optimize customer service.


3- or 4-digit dialing

Streamline internal calls with short dial codes, enhancing communication within your organization.


E911 Compliance

Ensure your VOIP service meets all necessary emergency service requirements.

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